Thursday 22 January 2009

Yes, he can (it seems)

Well, It seems Obama is doing his work. He's about to sign the closing down of Guantanamo. Part two is waht to do with the people there. Option 1, send the ones accussed of anything serious to a prison in the US. Option 2, release and pay some money to the ones who have been there all those years and where innocent. Option 3, send both groups to a prison in Afghanistan, like I said before and keep the public opnion quiet.

I begin to believe that this man can be taken seriously.

Another thing. My blockbuster recommendation for this weekend is Bulworth. An ironic look at US politicians and political campaigns with a funny end. I hope you can find it at the video rentals or just emule it.

And a wee taste of the soundtrack

No lyrics this time! Ah, ah...

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