Saturday, 1 November 2008

A Rainy Weekend

What can an old person like me do on a rainy weekend? Well, I went to the cinema. My choices were two: Brideshead Revisited and Solo quiero caminar.

Solo quiero caminar
(Agustín Díaz Yánez) is a weak production of more of the same old ... It makes me remember too much of Nadie Hablará de Nosotras Cuando Hayamos Muerto, which was already clearly "inspired" and very much inspired in True Romance (Tony Scott (1993))

Nadie hablará... had a social background that made you feel close to the characters and empathise with them. Díaz Yánez says this is not a part two, but the similarities are too many... It is difficult to use the same characters and at the same time insist that this is something new and original (I know Jack, it is difficult to be original). But in this film there is too much Steve McQueen shooting style, too much Bonie and Clide background and too much of the genre. There is no reinterpretation or fine mixing of the ingredients to do something entertaining again.

If you are desperate to see some second-hand action go and watch it, but you have been warned!

Brideshead Revisited is another story in all senses. I was totally mesmerized by the actors, the script, the setting and the photography. It is like am Attenborough film or the most recent versions of Jane Austen's novels. This is not the TV serie and there is no intention to be it. No presence of the ever melancholic Jeremy Irons and his doppel-gänger Anthony Andrews.
I really liked the role of religion and specially catholic integrism in society which is really crucial in the whole story. A must if you like quality cinema without exceptions.

Do not try to connect it or make comparisons to Atonement or other stories of the same kind. That is a waste of time, the story is self-sufficient and doesn't need any comparison or inspiration to justify.


Nuria Vidal said...

The "Bridshead Revisited" sounds great. I won't miss it. I still remember reading the book back in the 70's... And you dare say you're old?

Nuria Vidal said...

Thanks for your comment Rip, You certainly have deep thought about the whole situation. Let's hope OBAMA'S imagination allows him to find ways... My American friends are delighted. Let's see what happens!