Saturday, 29 November 2008


Back again we are, I mean the three of us like one. A trilogy of one mind, three minds at once!

Well I have had a short nap, a it was short indeed for me!

Now I wake up slowly, turn on the radio and hear that we'll have to "pay" for plastic bags in 2009. The price will have to be in the ticket and if we do not take them we get a "discount".

Perfect and a great idea. Plastic is the enemy of our time. Plastic is something new to me. We critisize plastic and write about it using a pen made of plastic, or a keyboard made of plastic.

But that is something we probably cannot change. The important thing and my reflection is this:

-When there is a big problem in the world that affects the big powers, we the people have to pay for it. And lately this "pay" is literal. If the banks are about to collapse because they have misused our money, we have to give them more money. If there is a big environmental problem, like plastic and the waste our society generates, the idea is to make consumers pay for plastic bags. Have a look around your house, in your kitchen, in the bathroom, in the supermarket and pay attention to the amount of plastic that the products we buy have. Packets are basically layers and layers of plastic and metal. A packet of ground coffee has like three layers of plastic and aluminium paper, a carton of eggs is anything but carton, a bar of soap comes protected for a nuclear attack, etc., etc.

Nobody has suggested penalizing the companies that use packaging in an irresponsible way, or recommend customers to buy those products that are more conscious about the environment.

Some yoghourt brands say that if you buy their product they will help children in the third world. In the end it is our responsibility to help those children in the third world...

I am specially angry, as you can see. I am tired of being a consumer without right and a mountain of responsibilities.

Let's go back to sleep.

Carpe Noctum!

Sunday, 9 November 2008

From left to right and back again

It was Hallowe'en, and I forgot! And believe it is my favourite celebration! My brain is almost dried. I do not know if it the left or the right side, but it is drying! That's what getting old brings as a present.

Brain Lateralization Test Results
Right Brain (60%) The right hemisphere is the visual, figurative, artistic, and intuitive side of the brain.
Left Brain (48%) The left hemisphere is the logical, articulate, assertive, and practical side of the brain

But if I have to believe these results I have a brain of a 108% capacity, and Virginia a 92%. I do not think it is fair she has lost a 8% of the brain and I am getting that 8%. How could that happen!

Hallows Eve. The day before the hallows, the day of the Jack'o Lantern, but also the Celtic tradition and also Sleepy Hollow, the story written by Washington Irving. This good and honest man who also wrote my own story. The same man who fell in love with The Alhambra and whose wife moved to California and name a huge property she bought after the moor palace in Granada. All these little things that connect our existences and give us the opportunity to live after life. Like James Wilkinson, choosing a name as a game, but then that name means something for Across the pond, but then he is also a scientist and maybe the pizza guy too. Who knows!

The day before the hallows and three weeks before Thanksgiving. A clean and pure name. Give thanks. Originally to the native Americans, but after all the westerns and the genocidal campaigns it mught be better to thank god. That's what people really do. I have never seen anyone these last centuries thanking the native americans (or can I call them the Indians?) for helping the pilgrims to survive that first winter in Plymouth Colony, Massachussetts. You know I know the area well...

Nobody has thought about combining both celebrations. We could have a Thanklloween, in which people could dress as Indians and scare everybody. That would be enough to justify killing all of them, don't you think?

The left brain would structure the killing, give tasks to every group involved in the genocide, and the right brain would work on creative and original ways of performing it.

All those efforts to have a white America and in the end Obama becomes the president. That would be like having a rabbit as the Prime Minister of Australia, or is he a fox? Africanamericans and "we the people" seem to have spoken loud and clear. Like in any other place G. W. Bush will now try to pass as many laws as he can and leave things in a disaster. Let's hope Nacy Peloci can make things difficult for him (after all, and like Obama she was the first (woman) to become the leader and spokewoman of Congress). I imagine Bush has a 5% of left brain (do not ask me about the rest), and Obama is mostly right (ironies of life)!

Am I boring you now? Well here is some music and excellent lyrics to keep you busy, entertained or maybe not?

Friday, 7 November 2008

An apology

Dear all,

I have done something really bad today. I have written a comment on Jack's post "Rest in peace". It was not correct. I din't say what I mean, but I meant what I said. In the end I have deleted it. Beacuse I didn't like the post and thought it was low in quality I didn't have to say it. I was afraid a minor creature had taken his/her personality and was posting things with his/her name.

What I really think is that the comment's title had to be "Rest in pieces" and the worst thing is that I didn't finish my comment with "Carpe Noctum".

I think I deserve some kind of punishment!

Carpe Noctum!

P.S.: Jack! Now you owe me a favour!

Saturday, 1 November 2008

A Rainy Weekend

What can an old person like me do on a rainy weekend? Well, I went to the cinema. My choices were two: Brideshead Revisited and Solo quiero caminar.

Solo quiero caminar
(Agustín Díaz Yánez) is a weak production of more of the same old ... It makes me remember too much of Nadie Hablará de Nosotras Cuando Hayamos Muerto, which was already clearly "inspired" and very much inspired in True Romance (Tony Scott (1993))

Nadie hablará... had a social background that made you feel close to the characters and empathise with them. Díaz Yánez says this is not a part two, but the similarities are too many... It is difficult to use the same characters and at the same time insist that this is something new and original (I know Jack, it is difficult to be original). But in this film there is too much Steve McQueen shooting style, too much Bonie and Clide background and too much of the genre. There is no reinterpretation or fine mixing of the ingredients to do something entertaining again.

If you are desperate to see some second-hand action go and watch it, but you have been warned!

Brideshead Revisited is another story in all senses. I was totally mesmerized by the actors, the script, the setting and the photography. It is like am Attenborough film or the most recent versions of Jane Austen's novels. This is not the TV serie and there is no intention to be it. No presence of the ever melancholic Jeremy Irons and his doppel-gänger Anthony Andrews.
I really liked the role of religion and specially catholic integrism in society which is really crucial in the whole story. A must if you like quality cinema without exceptions.

Do not try to connect it or make comparisons to Atonement or other stories of the same kind. That is a waste of time, the story is self-sufficient and doesn't need any comparison or inspiration to justify.

Election days

I have been exploring some other blogs, and I have found some things very interesting. I have seen many blogs about the elections and I like this in particular. You can customize it to any friend of yours and send it to him/her.

It would be a good idea if you have friends in the USA to send them one like this.

Carpe Noctum